Friday, 27 July 2012

I began this ages ago and lost interest but I have been inspired by the hot weather we are having at the moment .

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Finished at last...........................

Sunday, 22 July 2012

Messy............... yes,
well I finished grouting this piece this morning, now waiting for it to dry and then the cleaning begins.


This was a smaller project 14 x 30 cm, nice to do for a change.

Thursday, 19 July 2012

My first attempt, I have been messing about with sand and cement. This paving slab looks good in the rain and brightens up the garden.

A Family tree, these can be made to order with names and birth dates.

A tree of family and friends can also be made to order for any occasion, wedding, special birthday etc.

My latest mosaic project has been family trees. I am interested in genealogy and a while ago made a mosaic using photographs of family and friends it has been a great topic of conversation and much admired. So the inspiration came about and I have made several trees for different occasions.

As from today this mosaic is now for sale in the Cottage Gallery Wedmore it was as sunny there today as in the picture, summer at last. The gallery has lots of scrummy art works of all types for sale
and is well worth a visit. There is a lovely coffee shop along the road and several interesting individual shops nearby.